Matthew Hayes, PhD

Neuroendocrine Regulation of Energy Balance


Matt Hayes is the Albert J. Stunkard Professor in Psychiatry, and Vice Chair for Basic and Translational Neuroscience Research in the Department of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hayes earned his Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences from The Pennsylvania State University and conducted his postdoctoral fellowship in psychology and neuroscience at The University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hayes is considered a leading expert on the neuroendocrine systems that regulate energy balance. In particular, the Hayes laboratory focusses their research efforts extensively on understanding the neural, behavioral, cellular, molecular, and physiological mechanisms by which hormones, such as glucagon-like peptide-1, amylin and leptin regulate food intake and body weight through action in the mesolimbic reward system and caudal brainstem. In addition, the Hayes laboratory is also examining whether these energy balance-relevant neuroendocrine signaling pathways play a critical role in modulating drug taking and seeking using rodent and shrew models. These basic science research efforts are conducted with the intention that they will translate into improved pharmacological / behavioral treatments for obesity, diabetes, drug abuse and co-morbid diseases.

Dr. Hayes has received numerous honors and awards from The Obesity Society, the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior and his alma mater, The Pennsylvania State University. Matt has served as program chair and as an executive board member and scientific advisor for multiple international scientific societies, industry partners and non-profit organizations dedicated towards neuroscience, nutrition, diabetes and obesity research and clinical care. As an educator, Dr. Hayes holds a secondary appointment in the School of Nursing where he teaches core courses for the Nutrition Major at Penn.

Recent Publications

Reiner DJ, Mietlicki-Baase EG, Olivos DR, McGrath LE, Zimmer DJ, Koch-Laskowski K, Krawczyk J, Turner C, Noble EE, Hahn JD, Schmidt HD, Kanoski SE, Hayes MR. Amylin acts in the lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus to regulate energy balance through GABA signaling. Biological Psychiatry: 82(11):828-838, 2017.

Reiner DJ, Mietlicki-Baase EG, McGrath LE, Zimmer DJ, Bence KK, Sousa GL, Konanur VR, Krawczyk J, Burk DH, Kanoski SE, Hermann GE, Rogers RC, Hayes MR. Astrocytes regulate GLP-1  receptor-mediated effects on energy balance. Journal of Neuroscience: 36(12):3531-40, 2016.

Hayes MR, Skibicka KP, Leichner TM, DiLeone RJ, Bence KK, Grill HJ. Endogenous leptin signaling in the caudal nucleus tractus solitarius and area postrema is required for energy balance regulation. Cell Metabolism, 11(1):77-83, 2010.

Hayes MR, Leichner TM, Zhao S, Lee GS, Chowansky A, Zimmer D, De Jonghe BC, Kanoski SE, Grill HJ, Bence KK.  Intracellular signals mediating the food intake suppressive effects of hindbrain glucagon-like-peptide-1 receptor activation. Cell Metabolism, 13(3):320-30, 2011.

Alhadeff AL, Rupprecht LE, Hayes MR. GLP-1 neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract project directly to the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens to control for food intake. Endocrinology, 153(2):647-58, 2012.