Welcome to the Hayes Laboratory
Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania
Matthew R. Hayes, PhD
Principal Investigator
My Team
Samantha Fortin, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
safortin@pennmedicine.upenn.edu -
Caitlin Baumer-Harrison
Postdoctoral Fellow
Keshav Subramanian, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
keshav.subramanian.pennmedicine.upenn.edu -
Marcos Sanchez
Doctoral Candidate
Neuroscience Graduate Group -
Sarah Appleby
Doctoral Candidate
Neuroscience Graduate Group -
Maggie Zhou
Doctoral Student Neuroscience Graduate Group
Halcyon Hu
Research Technician
Drew Belser
Research Technician
Brandon Alonso
Postbac Research Assistant
Allison Xiao
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Previous Lab Members