Neuroendocrine Control of Energy Balance

Our laboratory’s overarching goal seeks to understand the neuroendocrine systems regulating energy balance and motivated behaviors. Using multiple approaches from the cell to the whole organism and extensively examine the role of various neuroendocrine signaling systems (e.g., GLP-1, leptin, amylin, CCK, serotonin, glutamate, and dopamine) in peripheral and central control of food intake and body weight regulation.

Overall, our research program takes a novel systems-neuroscience approach aimed at enhancing the development of realistic pharmacological-based therapeutics to treat obesity and associated comorbidities (e.g. obesity, eating disorders, diabetes, drug addiction and nausea / malaise).
The locus coeruleus contributes to the anorectic, nausea, and autonomic physiological effects of glucagon-like peptide-1
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The locus coeruleus contributes to the anorectic, nausea, and autonomic physiological effects of glucagon-like peptide-1

These data contribute to a growing body of evidence that highlights the LC as a feeding-relevant nucleus. As the LC is known to express receptors for other neuropeptides relevant to energy balance regulation, future investigations aimed at characterizing the endogenous mechanism by which the LC participates in food intake control are warranted. Here, we characterize a previously unexplored site of action for endogenous and exogenous GLP-1 signaling. We show that LC GLP-1R activation suppresses food intake, engages autonomic responses, and results in illness-like behaviors. This insight is necessary to advance clinical strategies for the treatment of obesity with improved GLP-1 analogs, with the hope of mitigating the nausea pervasive to current existing GLP-1–based pharmacotherapies.

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Metabolic hormone action in the VTA: Reward-directed behavior and mechanistic insights
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Metabolic hormone action in the VTA: Reward-directed behavior and mechanistic insights

This review provides a comprehensive update of the regulation of midbrain dopamine circuits by peripheral feeding hormones, cataloging what is currently known about the mechanisms by which these hormones influence VTA activity and how these actions regulate food intake and behavior around drugs of abuse. Better understanding of the reward-modulating effects of these hormone systems will help develop more effective treatments for obesity and addictive disorders.

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Tirzepatide suppresses palatable food intake by selectively reducing preference for fat in rodents
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Tirzepatide suppresses palatable food intake by selectively reducing preference for fat in rodents

In collaboration with Eli Lilly, we showed that the dual GLP-1/GIP agonist Tirzepatide robustly decreases preference for palatable foods by selectively decreasing lipid consumption. Our preclinical findings highlight that promoting healthier food options may contribute to the weight-loss success of therapeutic Tirzepatide use for patients.

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Corrination of a GLP-1 Receptor Agonist for Glycemic Control without Emesis
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Corrination of a GLP-1 Receptor Agonist for Glycemic Control without Emesis

In collaboration with Syracuse University professor Dr. Robert Doyle, our labs created a conjugated GLP-1R agonist (Cbi-Ex4) with reduced brain penetrance that enhances glycemic control without inducing emesis or anorexia. Our preclinical findings highlight its potential therapeutic use for patients seeking improved glycemic control without the loss of appetite and emesis characteristic of current GLP-1 therapeutics.

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GLP-1 Receptors action on brainstem GABA neurons
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GLP-1 Receptors action on brainstem GABA neurons

Examining the contribution of nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors (GLP-1Rs) to the anorectic potential of the FDA-approved obesity drug liraglutide and highlights a phenotypically distinct (GABAergic) population of neurons within the NTS that express the GLP-1R and are involved in the mediation of liraglutide signaling

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